Does insurance cover allergy drops?
Insurance companies Insurance companies may cover the cost of office visits and diagnostic testing. However, because allergy drops are an..... Read MoreDoes insurance cover allergy drops?

What are advantages of allergy drops?
Advantages Lower cost, fewer clinic visits. Compared to shots, allergy drops typically cost less and require fewer clinic visits. Most..... Read More
What are advantages of allergy drops?

Who are the best candidates for allergy drops?
Best candidates Although most allergy sufferers can benefit from allergy drops, they’re especially ideal for people who can’t tolerate or..... Read MoreWho are the best candidates for allergy drops?

How do allergy drops work?
Allergy drops Allergy drops work similarly to allergy shots by delivering a slowly increasing dose of physician- prescribed, FDA-approved antigen..... Read More
How do allergy drops work?