As of May 21, 2014 the RULES HAVE CHANGED!
It is "not your Daddy's exam" anymore, but a serious undertaking, with numerous mandated requirements and strict regulations. Only those specially certified by the Feds may offer the exam after training and a test. They clearly have targeted drivers in poor physical shape for removal from the highways. 50% of trucking accidents kill somebody and 50% involve a trucker falling asleep. Of course, it all will cost you more, and many permits will be only 1 year.
If you think your blood pressure might be above 140/90 DON'T schedule a CDL-DOT exam - get it checked first and get it down. See us (or another doctor) for a regular office visit if you think it's high before your real CDL-DOT exam. You get only ONE 3 month extension. PLAN AHEAD!!
If you have a serious or recent heart, lung, or neurological condition for which you already see a consulting physician, GET A LETTER OF CLEARANCE FROM THEM before your exam stating you are "safe to drive truck." Those with sleep apnea require an observed wakefulness test at a sleep lab yearly. If a CPAP, at minimum bring with you a recent CPAP card result printed out by your machine supplier.
Don't even think of "faking it." The registry is now electronic and searchable. We must report each exam to a data-bank. We must report each month even if we do no exam. The feds really do mean business.
You may require additional studies to be cleared. Certain conditions reported or found on exams require EKG, spirometry, chest xray, blood testing or even a sleep study for apnea. HFM can do these for you conveniently, billing your insurance if available.

Heritage Family Medicine is on the corner of Harrison Ave NW (where it turns into Mud Bay Road) and McPhee Rd SE.
HFM can accommodate big rig drivers, but not easily. If necessary, appointments can be scheduled when the office is otherwise closed on Wednesday afternoon and the whole or most of the parking lot is available (no turn around, drive in, back out). HOWEVER, THIS MUST BE PLANNED AT THE TIME OF SCHEDULED APPOINTMENT.